Learn How You Can Get Certified and Licensed in this Powerful Methodology and Begin Helping Your Clients Eliminate Blocks Effortlessly.

If you could instantly and permanently remove the blocks that are blocking your success, and do the same for your clients, what might that do for your practice?

Imagine clients so excited about the results you are able to affect that they can’t stop talking about you. Imagine transforming an individual's life, a family, a team or even an entire company almost overnight (which can happen when leaders are transformed). 

Though it may sound incredible, Rapidly Accelerated Mind Patterning (RAMP) can do just that.

22 years of solid research and testing has shown RAMP to be about as close to 100% effective as anything can be (97%).  But, until 2011 only the originator of the method, Dr. Sherry Buffington, and her daughter, Gina Morgan, knew how to facilitate it. After years of requests from coaches, energy workers, therapists, clergy and other people focused on helping others get past old blocks and barriers and live more freely and fully, Sherry developed a program to train this amazing method.

RAMP is unlike anything you have ever experienced. Those who have been trained on this method and are using with their clients are amazed at how powerfully, effectively and quiclky this method works.

Here's what one RAMP Practitioner wrote:

“When I learned of Dr. Sherry Buffington’s Quantum Leap training program, I thought adding RAMP and CORE MAP Assessments to my coaching practice would be a nice benefit for my clients.  After going through the training, my coaching business has more than doubled.  I have completely converted to using CORE MAP and RAMP in all of my coaching sessions because of the powerful results my clients have been receiving from using these techniques.  Prior to this training, I would have never thought it possible to create such dramatic results with my clients in just one session.  Today, I know that RAMP is what makes it possible. 

During RAMP Practitioner training I also received the benefits of the RAMP technique to help me break free from the obstacles that clouded my own success in my coaching business.   Not only has RAMP had a positive impact on my clients, but it has completely changed my confidence and attitude toward my business. 

For years, I struggled with identifying my target market and niche in my coaching business, and with building a strong client base.  Now, not only have I gained clarity around who I serve, but I am speaking to others about what I do effortlessly.  This has been a huge shift for me, and I am seeing the big results.  I owe Dr. Sherry Buffington and her team for being the catalyst for changing the way I think and feel about my business and for the amazing results me and my cleints are getting.  I am committed to using these techniques in my practice, so that together, we can help many, many more people reach thier highest potential fast.”

Cassie Schuh, CFLC
Executive Coach
Zaptastic Professional Coaching LLC

Here's what one witness to the RAMP effect wrote:

"I have been talking with my best friend, Marie, who has been raving about your work for weeks!  We have worked together for over 10 years so I know this woman well.  She has been exposed to and even studied many modalities such as, EFT, NLP, and the Sedona Method. She even became an EFT practitioner so she is no stranger to techniques designed to produce rapid change. We've tried them all together and, while they help, they have fallen short of what I have witnessed in Marie after just one RAMP session with you. She has made a huge shift in awareness and most notably in the way she functions in her life. It's amazing!

I have never seen her so significantly impacted by any technique, and quite frankly, I'm experiencing a serious case of "I'll have what she's having" so am writing to schedule an appointment so I too can experience the kind of shift Marie has had!"  

To learn more about RAMP, watch the15 minute video below. You will get valuable information you can use right now to change your outcomes, and you will learn how you can use RAMP to create powerful change fast and forever.  Your clients will love what you can do for them and you will love how easily you can free up lots of time and still earn six figures.


If you are looking for a proven process that will help you get powerful results for your clients in minutes; results so effective and so fast that your clients can’t stop talking about you to their family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances, you won't fnd a more effective method than RAMP.

With Rapidly Accelerated Mind Patterning (RAMP) you can help your clients get farther, faster and more effectively than you ever imagined, and the changes are permanent and effortless to maintain.

Because RAMP is so effective and works so quiclky you can create WOW inducing results right up front so potential clients are convinced that you are the coach, therapist, or energy worker of choice.

The RAMP process has been used for twenty plus years with great success by Dr. Sherry Buffington, the developer of the method (see client testimonials).  Three factors led her to create a training program to teach RAMP to others. The first factor was her desire to be an instrument for profound change to large numbers of people and the realization that she could not reach the masses on her own. The second was the continual requests from coaches and colleagues to teach them the process. The third factor was that there were more requests for RAMP sessions than she could manage. February of 2011 was the first class ever. There will be just 6 more classes of 30 through the end of 2012, so if RAMP interests you, you ACT NOW!

To find out how you can use this powerful, life transforming process in your business fill out the brief request form below.  A company representative will contact you within 48 hours to answer any questions you may have and, if you are a qualified candidate, to schedule a free RAMP session so you can experience the power of this amazing tool for yourself.



RAMP Training - 2014 Schedule